Friday, May 29, 2009

End of May sightings

Canada Goose in Grand Passage

Hello everyone! Hard to believe that we're at the end of May already! We've had a report from a lobster fisherman that a humpback was sighted just off Brier Island. Unfortunately, we didn't have a cruise that day, so we were unable to investigate and find out who the whale was! When we have been going out we have been sighting Minke whales and also a lot of birds. Seals have been quite abundant in the Bay of Fundy as well. There are two species of seals that are common to the Bay; Harbour Seals and Grey Seals.
Grey Seals

Our next cruise will be on Sunday, May 31st.
Lobster fishing boat, Ray's Legacy from Brier Island

Friday, May 22, 2009

Whales and birds and krill, Oh My!

Northern Gannets.

Our whale watching season started on May 18th, 2009. And it was a successful start to the season at that! We covered about 30 nautical miles on our first cruise and actually ended up very close to Brier Island at Moore's Ledge, about 4 miles north of the island. The Bay was quite active that day with many birds being seen, including: Northern Gannets, Puffins, a Razorbill, a Common Murre, Red Necked Phalaropes, Black Legged Kittiwakes and Northern Fulmars

Also on Moore's Ledge we sighted our first whale of the season, a minke whale. this was soon joined by another because of the ample supply of prey species in the area. For the last few days, we have noticed an abundance of krill upon which the herring, birds and whales have been feeding upon.

So even though it is early in the season for whale watching, we have had the pleasure of seeing the smallest baleen species that comes into the Bay of Fundy. A great start to the season!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Whale watching to start May 16th, 2009

Our whale watching season is scheduled to start on May 16th! The lobster fishermen are reporting that there is bountiful prey species for the whales so that looks promising. Our whale watching boat, Cetacean Search was sailed home last week from Digby and along the way we did sight a humpback whale and a minke whale. A good sign of the season to come!