Whale watching continues to be at its best ! No two cruises are the same as we tell everyone who steps aboard our boats. This proved to be true on August 25th when we watched several whale surface feeding on herring only a quarter mile from shore!! It all strated when we spotted Baton (one of our adopt a whales) who was kick feeding. He would use his tail to create a bubble cloud which would corral the herring and concentrate it so that he could get more fish with one gulp. We also noticed more spouts southwest of us and when we approashed, they were feeding as well. One of them was identified as Triton, an adult male that we haven't sighted here since 2004.
Other whales that have been sighted in the past week are: Kalimba, Scythe, Partition, Capella, Salvo, Quote, Raindrop, Grommet, Baton, Vector,Hopper, Calanus, Wigwam, and Southpaw.
1 comment:
It has been my biggest dream since a child to see a whale before I died. Given my huge fear of boats and the fact I get motion sickness at the drop of a hat I figured the only whale i would see was the one tattooed on my arm.On Aug 30 I decided to conquer my fear and out I went. For a while I thought I was in the movie "The Perfect Storm" It was rough, while people were hanging over the side I how ever discovered It is much better to stand then to sit. I did not get sick. We got to see Sockeye and another whale. It was the most amazing experience of my life. Thank you Jamie and the girls for making my dream come true. I will be back next year.
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